Tuesday, June 28, 2011


“Skepticism has never founded empires, established principals, or changed the world's heart. The great doers in history have always been people of faith.”
--Edwin Hubbel Chapin


I grieve for them for they know not what they do.
They have taken God’s Holy Word and destroyed all that is true.

They don’t understand a battle rages between the prince of darkness and a Holy GOD who Created all there is.
They do not acknowledge that all that’s seen, all that was, or all that will ever be is HIS.

They removed prayer from schools claiming separation of church and state with a forceful voice.
Then they wanted to change the dress code for children in the name of freedom of choice.

The apocalypse of war, drugs, and freedom of sex descended upon our nation in a twinkling of an eye.
This then became the catalyst for all mankind to be open to every divination and casting sanity a wry.

When God made man and woman He said it was good and blessed that day.
God’s intention for man was to multiply and should not be misunderstand in any other way.

History has defined a new low by redefining God’s law on marriage claiming it is for the greater good of man.
This is an abomination and defiles God’s first blessing of one man one woman thus desecrating His first command.

Civil unions were acceptable under the law, but this is not the change heathens want; they want to change the definition of marriage and times to come.
Now that we have spat upon God’s Law’s we opened ourselves to every vile thing under the sun.

I grieve for they know not what they do they have made every bad thing good and every good thing bad.
Our children are no longer innocent lacking in morals, ethics and wisdom the world has truly gone mad.

By Estelle P. Shrum


Estelle P. Shrum - Author of, He Is The Word
My book: http://bit.ly/cemM8z
My website: www.heistheword.com/index.htm
My blog: http://wwwheistheword-estelle.blogspot.com/

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